The 2007 Enecks Reunion
The 2007 Enecks Reunion was held on July 21 here: New Ebenezer Retreat & Conference
Just around the bend, there is a world that soothes the soul and calms the spirit. It is a place that allows cares to be released amid soaring pines and sparkling waters.
New Ebenezer embraces all that is good in life, and we invite you to be our guest. Come and renew meaningful relationships as you take in all the wonders of this unspoiled corner of the earth.
Situated on the banks of the Savannah River, the New Ebenezer Family Retreat and Conference Center offers ideal natural and historic surroundings.
Founded on Christian principles, New Ebenezer is an ecumenical retreat center which has been a haven for those seeking personal growth, quiet time, meditation and relaxation since 1977. An abundance of beautiful private places inspires reflection and renewal.
2887 Ebenezer Road, Rincon, GA 31326, 912-754-9242, 912-754-7781 (fax), E-mail -
It was an excellent Reunion. We even had a guest speaker, Dr. John Derden of
East Georgia College in Swainsboro, GA.
Dr Derden gave an enlightening and informative presentation on the Enecks Family from his researches - mostly through Aunt Kate's letter book. Photos here.
The Family Tree Chart was updated and can be seen here: Chart
And here's a map of the Ebenezer Retreat Center grounds - all the way to the Savannah River.... Map
The 2008 Renion will be held again at Ebenezer.
Last Updated:
August 13, 2008