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The Benefits of SEBA Membership

The benefits of Membership in SEBA are many.

SEBA, The Southeastern Bluegrass Association, is a collection of Bluegrass Musicians who gather together to enjoy playing the Bluegrass Music and are dedicated to the preservation and promotion of Bluegrass Music.

The organization consists of SEBA members, fans, bands, businesses, vendors, musicians, and friends of Bluegrass Music who bring the Music to the community through performers, instructors, jam sessions, venues and events. SEBA produces a newsletter, The Breakdown, and a Website which present information and items of interest to our Bluegrass Community and which lists Events and Jams upcoming in our area.

As a Member of SEBA, your membership fee and your volunteer service makes you part of a unique family of musicians with a unique musical background that works toward sharing music, playing techniques, and the treasure of a true American Appalachian creation - the music of our “people”. You are joining the Tradition of making the Music, sharing the joy it brings, and passing this important resource on to future generations.

One of the most important things that SEBA does is to award “Scholarships” to non-profit schools and organizations who provide instruments, lessons, and teach bluegrass music and activities. You can be a part of this valuable activity, too.

One way to support SEBA is to attend the many Jams and Events that SEBA supports and promotes. Your presence is valuable and you might just enjoy yourself while you are there! Bring your friends and introduce them to Bluegrass Music.

One way to volunteer is to organize and run a SEBA Bluegrass Jam. It is very satisfying to bring Music, fellowship, and anything else you want to add to your Jam. Your Jam will be advertised and promoted in SEBA's Breakdown Newsletter and on the Website.

Another way to volunteer is to write articles about any Bluegrass related topic to go into the Breakdown and Website. Writing your own articles or locating other articles or items of interest is a satisfying way to support your Bluegrass Community.

The Breakdown and many other SEBA activities is supported by Volunteers but the Website requires funds for Hosting. Your Membership fee supports the Website.

SEBA presents awards and recognition to jam sites, volunteers, and venues as a way of promoting our Bluegrass Community. You can be a part of this valuable activity, too.

SEBA is not into merchandizing things like  hats, stickers, or yearly pins so you don't get Member Discounts or other benefits like that. That is minor compared to the enjoyment and satisfaction of being a Member of this organization.

If you are already a SEBA Member, we look forward to pickin' with you at the Jams, Chapter Meetings and such. If you are not yet a member, please join and invite you friends and family, too. They will enjoy the Bluegrass Music as much as you do!

Pease visit the Membership Page: SEBA Membership

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