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Christie McAlum, Beverly Lockamy, Kermit Natho,
Helen Dickson, Sandra Natho
Garrett & Audrey Dickson getting a feeding lesson from Wanda, who says,"I've done this over and over...."
Grace Bland, our visitor Cleo, Charlie Dickson
Lee Erickson, Roy Hill, and Marian Dolan
are listening intently but Ann Hutton was the only one who got the joke....
Ann Hutton says, "Now if you will all just look this way I can explain it all!"
Nan Hill attempts to explain the joke, too - with little success.
The Wakeman clan and Irene Simmons
Rufus: "OK, I've got one end of this thing in my ear - what do I do with the rest of it?"
Irene Simmons and Marina Wakeman
Nan's toes showed up again this year - and bought Nan with them....
Thomas, Katie, Laura, and Gayle Bland & Charles Dickson
Suzanne and David Belcher
Rufus: "I swear, it wasn't me this time."
Dean Erickson and Berry Mobley
Nan Hill & Punkin Mobley pair off but Berry ignores it....
Dean explains to Ann and Lee which way the Savannah River flows.
Ruth Hamberg wonders if the camera is really working....
Ann Hutton - Intrepid Explorer
Ruth Hamberg and Lee Erickson - Life is Good!
Dean and Ann
Ruth & Ann on Transport Duty
Punkin Tells It Like It Is
A Room Full Of Discussion
Business Meeting
More Business
Still trying to figure which way the river is flowing

I think it flows downstream....

Do you think they will ever figure it out???
Suzanne Belcher and Irene Simmons - Grand Ladies, for sure!
Roy: "Maybe someday I'll figure what they are talking about"


"Just look right here and you can see how we are all related"
Yep, we had food this year, too!

There was a short discussion about whether to eat or not...
And then we ate....
And we ate...
And we ate some more....
 Still trying to figure which way the river is flowing
"All they have to do is ask me. I can tell them which way the river is flowing...."
Enecks Cemetary
Is this where the Rodeo is?
 Let's get a closer look at those CowBoys!
& Irene
Lee, Marian, Irene
Marian, Irene, Ruth