The Belchers belong to the Enecks family through Suzanne Smith Belcher -->
Anna Floerl Enecks Smith --> James Osgood Andrew Enecks.
Fred and Suzanne Belcher. This is a church picture
although you probably couldn't tell it by the pose.... |
Here are the Belchers with their three wonderful
children. |
These are the three wonderful children, in case
you couldn't tell in the previous picture. Robert, Lisa, and David. |
Here's Fred and Suzanne sitting on top of their
world with the fourth child, Judge. |
Here's Fred, again, an outstanding homeowner.
Especially when he is out standing on his roof! |
David got married in 1974. Here's some of the
illustrious troupe: Christie Laffitte, George Doukas, Fred and Suzanne Belcher
(parents of the bearded wonder), Audrey Doukas (mother of the blushing bride),
Janese (the blushing bride), and David (the bearded wonder, himself). |
David and Janese soon sprouted Graeme and Barry.
Here are the two sprouts now, following in the fishing footsteps of GrandDaddy
(Fred) and the photographic (photogenic) GrandMama (Suzanne). |
Graeme grew up and married the exciting Amanda
Gallagher, an artiste of the far west. |
Barry grew up and married the exciting Katie Kroenberg, A
lady of many talents. |
David married Irene Wade and are currently the
proud hosts (and providers) for 9 cats! |
Meanwhile, the Robert had done some marrying himself,
with the eclectic Deborah Bowen, a true Lady Of The South. |
Here's Robert & Deborah's number one son,
Steven, being admired by Christie Laffitte and the doting father. |
Robert and Steven, again, in the dog days of summer.
(more like the puppy days, I guess) |
These are the Robert and Deborah Belcher scions. Steven, the
contemplative thinker, and Keith, the consummate warier. |
Lisa did some marrying of her own. Here's her
husband, Andy Flatt. |
And here is Lisa with her two baby boys: Wesley & Justin |
Here's Wesley, Lisa, Judge, and Suzanne living
high on life.... |
Stay tuned for more pics. If you have some of your own you'd like to see here,
send them on in to: