| Acupuncture.com - Traditional Oriental Therapies: Acupuncture, Herbology, Qi Gong, Chinese Nutrition, Tui Na and Chinese Massage - acupuncture.com/ |
| American Holistic Nurses Association - The Premier Holistic Nurses Page! - www.ahna.org |
| Autoimmune Mom - Lots of information on auto-immune conditions. - www.aarda.org/ |
| Biofeedback - Control Yourself! |
| | Biofeedback Instrument Corporation - Computerized Biofeedback Systems - www.biof.com/biofeedback.html |
| | MindGrowth - - sells Thought Technology's relatively inexpensive biofeedback equipment over the Web - www.mindgrowth.com/ |
| | The Biofeedback Network - A comprehensive site with biofeedback information and links to other sites. - www.biofeedback.net/ |
| Birthing the Crone - Menopause and Ageing Through an Artist's Eyes. - www.birthingthecrone.com/ |
| Body Language - Body language is an important part of communication which can constitute 50% or more of what we are communicating. If you wish to communicate well, then it makes sense to understand how you can (and cannot) use your body to say what you mean. - changingminds.org/techniques/body/body_language.htm |
| Colds - This site provides a comprehensive, updated and referenced source of information on the common cold. The goal is to provide a framework for critical thinking which will allow informed decisions about medical care for the common cold. - www.commoncold.org/ |
| Dr. Andrew Weil - "As a practitioner and teacher of integrative medicine for the last thirty years, it has been my personal mission to drive research, education, and clinical practice to advance a philosophy of health that addresses mind, body and spirit. I believe that integrative medicine is the future of medicine and health care." Andrew Weil M.D. - drweil.com |
| Feng Shui - Videos for sale - artofplacement.com/ |
| Hand Reflexology Chart - www.pure-and-simple-healing.com/hand-reflexology-chart.html |
| HealthFinder - The US Department of Human Services has a database of health related topics. - www.healthfinder.gov/ |
| Herbs |
| | Herbs - Henriette's Herbal Homepage - Loads of misc info on all aspects of herbology - www.henriettesherbal.com/ |
| | Herbs - Herb World - We are an information service. We have a library of over 3000 books, subscribe to over 200 periodicals, monitor 10 internet mailing lists and search the Web looking for resources and research on the herb industry that we can pass on to our members. - www.herbworld.com/ |
| Herpes - Genital herpes resource information from CDC - www.cdc.gov/std/herpes/STDFact-herpes.htm |
| Lupus Foundation - Loads of details on Lupus - www.lupus.org/ |
| Meditation - A meditation How-To site - www.meditationcenter.com/ |
| Mental Health Net - the largest, most comprehensive guide to mental health help online. - mentalhelp.net/ |
| Natural Foods Online - Info on: Food and Nutrition, Vitamins, BodyCare, Legislative Action - sundancenaturalfoods.com/ |
| Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database - Search - enter any natural product name, disease or condition, or drug name...gives you objective product information, Effectiveness Ratings, or potential interactions with drugs, etc. Includes a Natural Product / Drug Interaction Checker and much more... - naturaldatabase.therapeuticresearch.com/home.aspx |
| Physician`s Desk Reference - Search or browse the over 2,300 drug guides by drug name to view trusted, reliable drug guides written for the patient and available on demand. - www.pdrhealth.com/ |
| Sleep - Everything you wanted to know about sleep disorders but were too tired to ask. - www.prohealth.com/library/showarticle.cfm?libid=15688 |
| Tai Chi and Qigong Links - Links to sites for:Tai Chi and Qigong - www.taichiandqigong.com/links.php |
| The Keirsey Temperament Sorter - a personality test which scores results according to the Myers-Briggs system - keirsey.com/sorter/register.aspx |
| The National Institutes of Health, Office of Alternative Medicine - We conduct and support research and provide information about complementary health products and practices. - www.nccih.nih.gov/ |
| The National Institutes of Health - Main site - www.nih.gov/ |
| Touch for Health - Touch For Health Kinesiology Association - www.touchforhealth.us/ |