Computer Stuff  Computer Stuff

Here you will find all kinds of computer related information.

Download Sites    Help & Tutorials   How To    Languages     Misc     Software     Technical Help     Utilities     Web Development Tools & Sites

Download Sites - Get stuff to put on your own computer
 ACME Laboratories - Graphics * Unix * Networks * Fun. Purveyors of fine freeware since 1972. On the net since 1991. Includes customizable labels -
 Internet Gaming Zone - Microsoft`s showplace. Playable games. Free games. Play with others. Play online or download.... -
 PortableApps - How would you like a bundle of useful programs for your PC? And instead of emptying your wallet, get it all free? This bundle has everything from games to Internet and multimedia programs. It includes lots of popular utility-type software that you can run from USB stick. No install required -
 Sys Internals - Microsoft Sysinternals utilities help you manage, troubleshoot and diagnose your Windows systems and applications. -
 ZDNet Hotfiles - According to ZDNet, ZDNet's Software Directory is the Web's largest library of software downloads. Covering software for Windows, Mac, and Mobile systems, ZDNet's Software Directory is the best source for technical software -


Help & Tutorials - Help & Tutorials
 Ask Bob Rankin - Need expert tech support? Ask Bob about Computers or the Internet! The daily newsletter with tips, tricks, and cautions about what is going on in the computer world is excellent! I got on Bob's TourBus years ago and the newsletters have been lifesavers... -
 Belarc Advisor - For targeted troubleshooting, tech support or just for a detailed profile of your system, install Belarc Advisor and get the full scoop on your computer. Once installed, it scans your computer and creates a profile listing everything from the motherboard make and model to serial numbers, software versions, controllers, processor and much more. -
 Computer User Manuals - Internet is filled with information, scattered in no particular order. SafeManuals tries to partially solve this problem by allowing everyone to find user manuals from all manufacturers in one place. They are not always available on the manufacturer site, and some of them only offer manuals for their current line of product. This website was created to offer Internet users this information. -
 Manuals Online - Thousands of free manuals - from Baby Care to Computers to Video games -
 Microsoft Support Knowlege Database - Microsoft`s gargantuan collection of how-to articles -
 Password Recovery - Lost your password? The NirSoft utilities may be able to find it -
 W3Schools Web Building Tutorials - Here is a large number of free Web building tutorials, from basic HTML and XHTML tutorials, to advanced XML, XSL and WAP tutorials. -


How To - Look here for How To Do It
 Back Button - Script to return to the previous page, whatever it was. < a href=javascript:window.history.back(-1)>< img alt=Back border=0 height=15 src=graphics/bt_back.gif width=49>< /a>
 Block pic pickup from a web page: - Script to prevent picure picking: < SCRIPT> function click() {if (event.button==2) {alert(`prohibited`)}} document.onmousedown=click() < /SCRIPT>
 CD Recordable! - This FAQ for info on recordable CDs covers all aspects of what it is and how to use it. -
 How Just About Anything Works - If you have never seen this web site, watch out!!! it will suck *A LOT* of your time! it is *VERY* well done with brief, simple explanations and *EXCELLENT* animations. This is definitely one of the great internet success stories. Main page -
  How CD Burners Work -
  How Computer Viruses Work -
  How Ethernet Works -
  How IDE Controllers Work -
  How Internet Search Engines Work -
  How USB Ports Work -
  How Wireless Networking Work -
  How a PC Works -
 MS Word Tips - Find and Replace - 10 cool ways to get more from Word`s Find and Replace feature -


Languages - Computers have Languages all of their own. Can you talk with them?
 Alice - Alice is an innovative 3D programming environment that makes it easy to create an animation for telling a story, playing an interactive game, or a video to share on the web. -
 Computer Languages History - A nice list of 50 Computer Languages with links for further exploration -
 DOS Batch Files - What they are all about and how to create them. -
 HTML Beginner`s Tutorial - Step-by-step Introduction to HTML and creating a simple page. Very, very well written for getting started in the Wonderful World of Web site building! And see the HTML Cheat Sheet in the second link. - and
 IT Hare - Programming Languages Discussions - Discussion of issues related to choosing programming languages… -
 MySql - Popular PC database -
 PHP - The main home for this excellent Web programming language. -
 The Free Country - Welcome to's collection of free programming resources, free webmasters' resources and free security resources. -
 Website & HTML 101 - Looking to get started coding web pages? It`s all in the tags! This site introduces HTML Tags and sends you on to other sites for more detailed information. -


Misc - Here you will find things that are not other things
 AI Horizon - Artificial Intelligence - AI Horizon: Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Programming. This site is designed to help you learn the basics of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence programming. We provide a smooth transition between learning a language to understanding what to do with it. Read the introduction to see how and why we approach Artificial Intelligence in the way that we do. -
 Carnegie Mellon Robotics Institute -
 Dropbox - Dropbox is a superbly implemented, cloud-based, automatic, file-synchronization service that`s ideal for working with files you can store in a folder on PC and syncronize to the Cloud. -
 Easter Egg - The term Easter Egg, as we use it here, means any amusing tidbit that creators hid in their creations. They could be in computer software, movies, music, art, books, or even your watch. There are thousands of them, and they can be quite entertaining, if you know where to look. -
 Internet Traffic Report - You can check this site to see the world wide internet data flow. The site monitors average response time and packet loss. -
 RefDesk Online Research - Our last stop of the day is at RefDesk. Created and maintained by the father of Internet muckraker Matt Drudge, RefDesk is a HUGE directory of Internet research and reference links. The site can be a tad bit intimidating at first -- imagine if Yahoo placed ALL of its links on its main page -- but once you get the hang of RefDesk's layout you'll discover that the site is an amazing launch pad for your journeys into the world of online research. -
 Stop Forwarding That Crap To Me - A Fun video on YouTube from Weird Al Yankovic - Stop Forwarding That Crap to Me -
 The Well - The WELL is the most celebrated on-line community around. -
 Web Page Archives - WayBack Machine - This site is billed as the collection of all the web pages that there have ever been... -
 Web time machine - Take a trip through time - Take a look at the history of the Web through the Internet Archive Wayback Machine. Special collections document pivotal points in online history, including September 11, election 2000, Web pioneers and more. -


Software - Want to tell you computer what to do? Start here
 ALICE - (Artificial Linguistic Internet Computer Entity) is a more sophisticated program that creates the illusion of natural conversation. ALICE can even tell lies, spread gossip, and is credited with influencing several real world happenings. Try this one at -
 BOTS - -
  Seattle Robotics Society - The Seattle Robotics Society was formed in 1982 to serve those interested in learning about and building robots. We are a non-profit corporation comprised of a diverse group of professionals and amateurs, high school students and college professors, engineers and tinkerers. Our passion is the creation of cybernetic creatures that challenge the old definitions of life, intelligence, and practicality. - - Sometimes upgrading to a newer version can be a good thing. Other times, your computer may not be compatible with the new version, the new version is bloated, or all the good options are no longer available. If you are looking for an old version of any program, should be your first stop. -
 Tiger Direct - Shop for Computer Stuff -
 Windows Applications List - An extensive list of software for your PC in these categories: Business, Communications, Database Software, Developer`s Tools, Educational, games, Graphics, Home & Hobby, Internet Apps, Multimedia, Network Tools, Security, SEO, Servers, Typography, Utilities, Web Design. -


Techniques & Programs - Techniques & Programs
 Flaming Text - At FlamingText you can type in words and get back cool, custom images of the text for FREE, to use on your website, or in your e-mail. Also have good clip-art and more... -
 Flash Player Help - View or change your local Flash Playe storage settings - directly from your browser! -


Utilities - Useful tools
 Allen's Win App site - A collection of applications for Windows operating system -
 BootDisk - Need a boot Disk? It's here. Also has many other utilities. -
 Free VPN - A Virtual Private Network allows your web connections to pass more securely through cyberspace. Here is a list of free VPN options. I`ve not tried any of these myself so you are on your own for deciding if this is right for you... -
 George Dillon Utilities -
 POW! - Popup Killer -
 What's that site running on? - Displays the platform, OS, and web server for a site -


Web Development Tools & Sites - How to build those web sites
 Amaya Web editor - W3C's Editor - Amaya is a Web editor, i.e. a tool used to create and update documents directly on the Web. Browsing features are seamlessly integrated with the editing and remote access features in a uniform environment. This follows the original vision of the Web as a space for collaboration and not just a one-way publishing medium. -
 Blocking Unwanted Connections with a Hosts File - You can use a modified HOSTS file to block ads, banners, 3rd party Cookies, 3rd party page counters, web bugs, and even most hijackers and possibly unwanted programs -
 CSS Tutorial from W3 -
 Dynamic Drive - Welcome to Dynamic Drive, the premier place on the net to obtain free, original DHTML scripts and components to enhance your web site! All scripts on this site take advantage of the latest in JavaScript and DHTML technology -
 How To Make A Website in Wordpress - An easy, step-by-step guide from a web developer - from the beginning for beginning web developers. See the second link for more details - and
 Java Stuff
  Java at IBM - IBM's intro page to Java - with online classes! -
  JavaScript Tutorial - Step by step. Presented by -
 Pages That Suck - what to avoid! -
 Screen Resolution Checker - View your web page in various screen resolutions: -
 W3Schools - Inside W3Schools you will find a large number of free Web building tutorials, from basic HTML and XHTML tutorials, to advanced XML, XSL and WAP -
 Web Page Design - The Bare Bones Guide to HTML -
 World Wide Web Consortium - The W3C was founded in October 1994 to lead the World Wide Web to its full potential by developing common protocols that promote its evolution and ensure its interoperability. This is the organization that oversees the Official version of HTML and governs changes to the language. This site discusses optimal ways to use the language and also presents details (and a checklist) on accessibility requirements... -


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